About Us
MIA DAV PUB SCHOOL MEHATPUR was established in 1991 and it is managed by the Pvt. Unaided. It is located in Urban area. It is located in UNA block of UNA district of Himachal Pradesh.
MIA DAV PUB SCHOOL MEHATPUR It resides in Himachal Pradesh's UNA district's UNA block. The institution offers grades from 1 to 12. The school has a pre-primary division that is attached and is co-educational. The school does not operate as a shift-school and is Not Applicable in nature. This institution only offers English-language teaching. There is an all-weather road that leads to this school. The current academic year begins in April.
The school has a private building. It has 18 classrooms for teaching purposes. The classrooms are all in decent shape. It features two more rooms for uses other than teaching. For the Headmaster and Teachers, the school has a separate chamber. A Pucca boundary wall surrounds the school. Electrical service is available all time at the school. The school uses fully functional tap water for drinking. The school has 16 boys toilet and it is functional. and 16 girls toilet and it is functional. It contains a playground for students. The school has a library, which houses 4462 books. For disabled students to enter classrooms, the school does not require a ramp. For use in instruction and learning, the school has 27 working computers. The school is not having a computer aided learning lab. The school is Not Applicable providing mid-day meal.
The curriculum framework is the skeleton of the academic programs at MIA DAV PUB SCHOOL MEHATPUR. The framework is the result of 33 years of extensive research done by our team in building a school for 21st century learners.
It is a place large enough to provide an exceptional range of opportunities, yet small enough for each child to be known and valued. We actively encourage the process of joyful discovery that is significant to a meaningful and responsible learning.
MIA DAV PUB SCHOOL MEHATPUR is renowned for its excellence in education CIS maintains the latest computer learning aids, ample outdoor and indoor spaces for play, recreation and learning.
Principal's Desk
“All great ideas begin with a commitment to the future, Vision gives you the impulse to make the picture of your own”. What makes a good school is an often questioned issue in the quickly evolving world of K–12 education. Is it the parents, the teachers, the children, the facility by, the curriculum, or something else? The obvious response is a combination of all of these, but each school will receive a different response.
Truthfully, "The whole purpose of education is to teach the child to think and not what to think" is a well-known proverb. This is the essential truth, in our opinion at MIA DAV SCHOOL, and we have always worked to instill the correct values in our pupils so that they grow into well-rounded individuals who are prepared to face challenges once they leave our doors.
MIA DAV Public School with its rich legacy is certainly equipped to deliver the requisite learning space to the students. The School offers a perfect blend of learning opportunities, that a child needs, to live happily in a world governed by infotech and biotech. It is a learning space in letter and spirit. We go the extra mile to ensure our students imbibe the values that we stand for as an institution and labour strenuously to ensure their well-being. That hard work takes us places is what we profoundly believe in! Our practices and curriculum reflect this philosophy explicitly.
Read MoreOur Philosophy
Physical wellness is learning of balance.
Table tennis, Chess, Archery, Riffle Shooting, Cricket, Skating, Athletics, Football, Tennis and Lawn-tennis
Robotics Lab
To develop mechanical and computer skills
Classical and Western vocal and Instrumental.
Student are trained to live in discipline
Leadership Development
Expand the capacity of students to perform in leadership roles within
Campus Tour
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Parents Club
Parents meeting held for healthy bond between parents and teachers. SKILL PROGRAM : New skills like horse riding, Golf, swimming etc.
We are extremely proud of our students. The school also appreciates the tireless efforts of the parents who have shown trust and faith in the school and constantly supported the students and the school in every endevour.